Contribution Information

Print the Campus Ministries of Grace Christian Church giving sheet:

Make checks payable to:

“Campus Ministries of Grace Christian Church” or “CMGCC”

Send contributions to:

P.O. Box 1008
Fort Collins, CO 80522

With each of your contributions, please include the partnership team account number on the memo line of your check.

In order for contributions to the Campus Ministries of Grace Christian Church fund to be considered income tax deductible by the IRS, gifts are solicited with the understanding that Grace Christian Church has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

Each month Grace Christian Church sends contribution acknowledgments to every donor that show exactly how their gifts are used in the Campus Ministries of Grace Christian Church fund. For more information, please call the Grace Christian Church administrative office at (970) 222-2420.

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Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, …
Matthew 28:19